Specialist Historic Building Consultancy & Heritage Planning Services
Historic Building Recording
A Historic Building Recording is a permanent drawn, written, and photographic record of a historic building or structure in advance of alterations to the physical fabric, most often required by the Local Planning Authority as a condition of planning permission or Listed Building Consent.

What is a Historic Building Recording?
Even successful planning applications often come with conditions attached, and one of the most common is a Historic Building Recording, which is often requested by the local planning authority before you start work. This is a survey and recording of the historic building as it is before the works commence, with all of its surviving features intact, carried out to varying levels of detail in line with the conditions specified by the local planning authority. To ensure this condition can be met quickly and without a hitch, get in touch with Blue Willow Heritage.
With years of experience in surveying and recording historic buildings of all types, from farm buildings to country estates, Blue Willow Heritage is perfectly placed to carry out any scale of building recording quickly and efficiently to the highest standards. Depending on the level of survey required, the Blue Willow Heritage team is equipped to photograph, measure and illustrate all necessary features in line with Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA) and Institute of Historic Building Conservation (IHBC) standards, as well as provide a formal report that can be used to satisfy even the most stringent of conditions.