Specialist Historic Building Consultancy & Heritage Planning Services
Heritage Statements
A Heritage Statement is an assessment of the significance of heritage assets and/or their settings, as well as the impacts upon this significance resulting from the proposed development scheme.

What is a Heritage Statement?
Britain is blessed with many tens of thousands of buildings that have heritage significance, from places that date back to times before written records all the way to modern structures that make up in significance and artistic merit what they lack in years. Complex and often confusing, the UK is covered by a web of national and local planning laws designed to protect this heritage, and while these laws can seem obstructive at first, with Blue Willow Heritage by your side, they can be navigated to create new buildings and spaces that respect both past and present to create a higher quality whole.
One of the most common tools at our disposal is the Heritage Statement, which takes a focused look at the building or site affected by your development plans and establishes exactly what makes it significant, as well as how your works will affect its significance. At its most basic level, the Heritage Statement is a collection of information that encompasses a building’s history, its construction, its artistic and material significance to give the local authority planners a detailed look at what they’re dealing with, but when you work with Blue Willow Heritage, you get a service that goes above and beyond the basic.
Planning and Design Advice
Utilising years of experience and knowledge of the planning system, Blue Willow Heritage will be at your side at every stage of the process to offer design advice and value adding information that makes a positive outcome for planning permission or listed building consent much more likely. This can involve everything from working with architects and contractors to the planners and local authorities themselves to establish exactly what is significant about your site and what is achievable, making informed and creative cases that result in excellent outcomes for all sides, while retaining heritage assets that are fit for future generations.
A Heritage Statement is a tool, not a product, and in our skilled hands, it can be used to open doors and achieve outcomes that add value to each unique and personal project we tackle.