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Management and Procurement of Archaeological Services

Even a successful planning application isn't always the end of the story, and fulfilling the conditions the local authority sets on your project can be another headache to deal with. At Blue Willow Heritage we have the contacts to be able to arrange any archaeological or heritage work that is needed to get the go-ahead, using trusted and fair contractors.


Management and Procurement of Archaeological Services 


Fulfilling the heritage requirements around the planning permission for your project can sometimes be very complex depending on the site, and from watching briefs to trenching, drone photography or geophysics work and beyond there can be many different stipulations that local authorities put in place. These different needs often require input from a wide range of heritage professionals, and finding the right people with the right experience and at the right price is a headache that even developers can do without, never mind individual home or business owners. The ability to tap into an existing network of trusted professionals can make your project much simpler and much more cost effective, and ensure all parties work together effectively


Find Archaeology and Heritage Services 


Blue Willow Heritage has a wide variety of expert contacts throughout the heritage industry, from below-ground archaeology to drone mapping and LiDAR, geophysics and surveying, and heritage architecture and planning. Using a combination of these experts we have the ability to manage all of the heritage aspects of your projects from start to finish, no matter how large or complex the project may be. We work regularly with each of these experts and have excellent working relationships with them so you can be sure that each and every project will be carried out smoothly and efficiently with a high degree of collaboration. We can also secure their services for competitive rates and at short notice, prices and lead times that are not accessible to the public.  


If your project comes with extensive or complex heritage requirements, and you’d like to make sure it’s managed by trusted and competent experts, then get in touch with Blue Willow Heritage now. We can help you ensure that your works are completed on time and on budget, with outcomes that go above and beyond what you need to satisfy the local authority requirements. 

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